Primarily Due to a Short-Term Financial Crisis
Giving YOU Peace of Mind,
Financial Security,
and Time to Get Back on Your Feet!
No Embarrassment,
No Negative Credit Hit,
No Stress!!!
How can I Learn More About the Policy?
- We will be uploading videos and more detailed information to this website in the near future.
- Feel free to email us at [email protected] in the meantime.
How do I Apply for the Policy?
- You will soon be able to input your information, receive an accurate quote, purchase a policy, and
receive all of your policy documents through a fast, easy, and secure online system.
What are the Major Claim-Qualifying Conditions?
- If you are laid off or fired without cause.
- If you have an unexpected medical emergency that costs you more than your monthly house
What Counts as an Unexpected Medical Emergency?
- An unforeseen medical situation (for example: simply submit your emergency room medical bill).
- This does not exclude pre-existing conditions. However, it does exclude scheduled medical events.
How is the Claim Paid?
- We will pay your monthly rent or mortgage payment directly to your landlord or lender for up to 3